Personalize Your Rental with Removable Wallpaper Solutions
Dipan PatelRemovable wallpaper - Creating a home away from home
Living in a renter setup can be exciting and monotonous, too. It all depends on how you decide to plan the stay. You may choose to enhance it with a personal touch or stay detached until you get a new one. The choice is yours! But is it feasible to alter the tenants frequently? Is it not about searching for “HOME” in a temporary setup? Well, it is. Nothing feels more comfortable than finding a rental setup that doesn’t feel like one. One great way to achieve this is by incorporating removable wallpaper, a perfect temporary solution for renters who want to add a personal touch without making permanent changes. Materials like peel and stick wallpaper allow you to transform walls effortlessly and restore them to their original state when it’s time to move. All it feels like is owning a real abode.
But how to create a personal homestead in a non permanent setup? Isn’t it asking for some irrational wishes? Trust me…You’re not! You are just utilizing the feasible and affordable ways to personalize your rental experience and create a home like aura.
Creating a home-like experience begins with a wall, which is an integral part of interiors. Covering a wall with personalized decor can manifest your dream rental stay and surround you with the warmth of personified touch.
The next question arises of how and where to find suitable art for your walls.
You'll find them at Giffywalls. Read it twice and note it on your mind! Your cozy rental stay is possible, which not only renovates your wall your way but creates an ambiance just like your home. You might feel nostalgic and lost in your childhood with renter friendly wallpaper collection, which is custom made and designed to suit your style. You may call it a renter friendly, but it is a removable wallpaper for me. So let us dig in to find how magical these removables literally are.
Easy-to-remove wallpaper for rental properties

Giffywalls creates feasible wallpapers to serve the citizens of all categories. Nowadays, potential buyers prefer to choose a rental property rather than owning a home. This has created demands for rentals like no other age. With such an insane number, it is obvious to discover distinct ways to make a homely experience without permanent marks. We create exemplary removable wallpapers for temporary properties that are attainable with a quick peel and stick hack. All you need is to peel off the backing, match the panels, and stick to the wall. Such wallpapers are easy to apply and even easier to remove without harming the walls.
Affordable peel-and-stick wallpapers for rentals

We usually know that great things are costly and beyond reach. That is not wrong; it is just partially incorrect. At Giffywalls, our temporary wallpaper is not just wow but affordable, too. Each property needs at least five to six units to renovate, which makes an average of five.
Small projects to finish. It may be your guest room, dining room, bedroom, hallway, and even bathroom. All of it depends on how big a fashionista you are. Creating so many restyling your way might cost a handsome budget, but not with Giffywalls. Each peel and stick wallpaper is below five dollars per square foot and is customizable based on the size of the walls. This means the size of the backdrop can be increased or decreased, which can reduce the square foot charge.
Is Renter-friendly wall decor substandard?

Just because our wallpapers are affordable doesn't mean we compromise on the quality. Our temporary wallpapers are finely curated crafts, built and designed under the supervision of experts. Our in house designers check each unit for quality and test it twice before final production. The peel and stick are water resistant and require a special raw material to hold intricate graphics and maintain a strong back adhesion. The market is filled with compromised removable wallpapers that keep falling after some years of use despite paying considerable prices. At Giffywalls, apart from the designs, the paper material is tested too and kept on trial before production. Our adhesive technology is untamed and stays on the walls year after year and needs a breeze cleaning from time to time. To ensure you do not suffer during the final delivery, we will send a sample for you to check its suitability, size, and shape. Once you are sure about the sample, we will proceed with a final product delivery.
Is it portable?

All our non-permanent wallpaper is portable from one project to another and has been built with rentals in mind. Once you decide to change the setup and plunge into a different rental project, pull out the wallpapers swiftly and roll in for the next project. These wallpapers are DIYs and don't need professional assistance. You can remove them easily, just like you applied them. Do not worry about the wall. No sticky residues will be left upon removal, and no harm will be caused to the wall's color.
Can we personalize the wallpapers?
Our unique range of wallpapers caters to every design enthusiast with a classic sense. Whether you are a low-key minimalist or a believer in maximalism, our wide selection serves every need. And even if the universe of themes and styles doesn't seem appealing to you, you can choose customization. You can personalize your home decor with customization, which means guiding our designers in creating a wallpaper that is just like you want. You may customize it using personal photos, designs, or images from social media and submit them to us. Our team of experts will do the rest and surprise you with an unbelievable backdrop. What else can be so personalized than customizing your wallpaper?

We believe in your innate ability to create your home your way. No one could ever style your rental other than you, as it's about the sentiments you care for and should. We’ll help you create the home of your dreams even when it is not formal. With amazing wall decor, you’ll add a touch of personal value to the room till the time you choose to stay. Let your mind not call it a “rental” and replace it with “home” whenever you gaze at the wall.